Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Angel Olsen - Half Way Home

A Meltdown Recorded

               From time to time we all forget music is an art, a form of expressing emotions. Our mistakes are not solely ours. You and i can blame it on music industry. Even that word "industry" is usually considered a contrast of art.
               During my first encounter with this musician i was in a certain mindset. Expecting to hear certain features, to which i was accommodated to. When these seemingly flat instrumentals came with the high pitched voice almost screeching high, i was repulsed. After a couple of more listens my opinion changed. Just listen to the lyrics;

"...in my mind i knew well
what i wanted you to be
in this world i know the lover never really is
who he is to me."

             To sum it up; It's different, it's strange, it's not trying to appeal to you, it's in fact art, but give it a shot you'll get accustomed too and I'll bet you'll like it just like i do.

Listen here.
Buy here.

1 comment :

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfjOWQ3grw0

    have a listen to this
